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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / ASNT level 3 for self owned company
- - By PFI (**) Date 03-22-2016 12:32
Hi all,

I currently provide services for weld inspection and weld system audit and maintenance, I would like to provide services in NDT training and eventually testing.  I hold certifications in ASNT-snt-tc 1a  VT, PT and MT.  I have developed programs for VT, MT and PT for my company but they have not been approved by a level 3.

My question, I would like to become a level 3, what would be the best way to do this? What is the least expensive and time consuming?Advice?
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-26-2016 19:48
There is no free lunch in NDE.

If you are offering services to the public and if you want to provide Level III services as a Level III, earn your Level III certifications through ASNT's ACCP.

Most people that know anything about NDE will not accept NDE procedures that have not been approved by a Level III. People that actually understand NDE and certification also understand the value of ACCP certifications.

Parent - By PFI (**) Date 04-03-2016 16:35

Please understand that i'm not looking for a free lunch or under minded short cut, I'm just looking for the best advise as to how to go about it. I'm interested in becoming a level 3 and I can do the work to make it happen, I just didn't want to take anything I didn't need to, do also understand I'm self employed and all this expense is paid directly by me (yes, I can apply to taxes) of course, I also understand this is an investment in myself and the business.

Thank you for your input.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / ASNT level 3 for self owned company

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