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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / AWS D1.1 : 2015 - Table 4.2, note d
- By 4345402 Date 05-17-2016 15:05

I am trying to better understand the note d requirement in table 4.2 which states: "CJP groove weld qualification on any thickness shall qualify any size of fillet or PJP groove weld for any thickness."

Does this mean that if a CJP groove weld qualification is completed on a nominal plate thickness (A) then that qualifies any size of PJP groove weld on any nominal plate thickness (potentially many times greater than A) as long as there are three macroetch tests completed demonstrating the specified PJP weld size is equaled or exceeded? This does not seem to be consistent with the table 4.3 nominal plate thickness qualification range of 1/8" to 2T for a test groove depth (T) between 1/8" and 3/8".

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / AWS D1.1 : 2015 - Table 4.2, note d

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