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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Welders qualified thickness ranges
- - By Richman (**) Date 05-26-2016 00:36
A welder is qualified for Stainless steel piping material using GTAW process with thickness range limit up to 7.82mm and for Carbon steel pipe the Welder has a qualified Range of UNLIMITED by same process(GTAW), can a welder WELD a Stainless steel pipe materials with a thickness of 17.40 mm without any problem as per ASME IX code? Thanks in advance.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-26-2016 03:07
Based on the information provided, yes, provided the position limitations are OK and backing requirements have been met as well as the direction of vertical progression.

Parent - - By Richman (**) Date 05-27-2016 00:03
Sir, with due respect may I know the exact reason why welder can allow to weld without violating ASME IX code?
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-27-2016 02:50
ASME Section IX allows the contractor to use several different base metals when qualifying the welder. The qualification covers a range of base metals provided the F number of the filler metal is not changed, the positions are not changed, etc.

As for F numbers, consider F6 filler metals, it includes carbon steel as well as austenitic stainless steel. So, the welder can weld carbon steel to carbon steel using a carbon steel filler metal (F6). That same welder can weld austenitic stainless steel to austenitic stainless steel using austenitic stainless steel filler metal (still F6).

What wouldn't be permitted is carbon steel to carbon steel using a nickel filler metal having an assigned F number F4X because that involves a different F number from that used when qualifying.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Richman (**) Date 05-28-2016 00:32
Thank you for very much for the clear explanations on the matter. More power to you.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Welders qualified thickness ranges

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