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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Conducting NDT (UT,MT,PT) before heating
- - By arif Date 06-19-2016 00:49
Hi All

I have a problem during fabrication of steel structure
We are using carbon steel and we conduct UT just after welding
The problem is after UT we usually do some correction in dimensional with heating
Is there any affect to that weld?I was afraid heating raise some defect and we could not found it.
any of you has experience with my problem, was it better to conduct UT after heating?

Thanks before
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-19-2016 18:37
If the heating and cooling are not conducted properly, there can be changes in the microstructure that could conceivably  result in cracking. The chances are slim if the base metal is low carbon steel.

Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 06-20-2016 16:14
Al is correct. And it also depends on the heating temperature, code compliances and materials ( such as the B31's and chrome molys, etc. If you are getting it too hot you may be required to UT after heat treatment.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Conducting NDT (UT,MT,PT) before heating

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