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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Requirements for level 3
- - By Engloid (*) Date 10-21-2004 21:45
What are the requirements to get Level 3 certification? Any links to info on this, or any help is appreciated.

Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 10-21-2004 23:10

This question is a little complex. To begin, there are ASNT Level III certifications and employer based Level III certifications. The link to ASNT’s site that explains their certification programs is:

Employer based Level III certifications are in accordance with ASNT’s recommended practice No. SNT-TC-1A. This document is used as a guideline for employers to establish their own written practice for the qualification and certification of nondestructive testing personnel. It is available for purchase through the ASNT website. They also offer a model written practice.

In a nutshell, a candidate for employer based Level III certification must have a 4 year degree in engineering or science + 1 year in an assignment as a Level II in the applicable method (experience) OR 2 years college + 2 years experience OR 4 years experience. A training program is outlined in the employers written practice. Written examinations are required in Basic, Method and Specific formats. The Basic examination is required only once when more than one Method examination is taken. Level III certification has a term of 5 years and is non-transferable to another employer.

Some firms outsource Level III services.
Parent - - By Engloid (*) Date 10-21-2004 23:32
Quoted from ASNT website:
ASNT Level III applicants must satisfy one of the following eligibility criteria:

Graduated from a minimum four-year college or university curriculum with a degree in engineering or a physical science, plus one year (12 months) of experience in nondestructive testing in an assignment comparable to that of an Level II in the applicable test method(s), as defined in ASNT's Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, latest edition; or"

Would the above be in reference to the ASNT based certification? If so, I'm assuming that this one is like an AWS weld certification that will stay with the welder wherever he goes.

The middle section of the page:
"Completed with passing grades at least two full academic school years of engineering or a physical science study at a university, college, or technical school, plus two years (24 months) of experience in nondestructive testing in an assignment comparable to that of an Level II in the applicable test method(s), as defined in ASNT's Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, latest edition; or"

The last of the page on their website:
"Four years (48 months) of experience in an assignment at least comparable to that of a Level II in the applicable test method(s), as defined in ASNT's Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, latest edition."

Would the above be in reference to the employer based level3? I'm assuming that this certification will not travel with the person from job to job.

Personally, I have a 4yr degree in Business Management, 18 years in welding experience, and over 2 years in inspection...and based on what I'm reading, I'm quite a way from moving to a Level3. It seems that 2 years of inspection experience is viewed by ASNT as more valuable than 4 years in management or endless years of welding experience in military or ASME applications.

Parent - By thirdeye (***) Date 10-22-2004 02:46
To answer your first question, I think the educational / experience background applies to both ASNT and employer based certification (as recommended by SNT-TC-1A). The ASNT certification(s) do stay with the certificate holder. I think your second question regarding 2 years…+ 2 years…. And 4 years…. also refers to both ASNT and employer based certification (as recommended by SNT-TC-1A). Furthermore, I think you are correct in your interpretation of ASNT’s educational requirements. Take a look at the ASNT Level III application to confirm this. By the way, the reference to “applicable test method” means each specific NDT method for which you would seek certification.

An employers written practice does have some flexibility in the description of training, experience and examination(s) in that documented training or experience gained in activities or positions comparable to those of Level I or Level II may be considered for personnel being considered for employer based Level III certification. However, upon review of the employers written practice by others, the recommendations in SNT-TC-1A are usually the minimum. In your 18 years of welding can you document any experience with NDT methods? Certainly, you would be able to qualify for examination in VT (visual testing).

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Requirements for level 3

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