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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Just hyphen number(-XX) on the right side of symbol?
- - By Dilli Date 02-13-2017 14:41 Edited 02-14-2017 04:57
Hi everyone,

Spotted something confusing for me and need pro clarification/referance example:

For those who cant view image it includes edge welding symbol  then directly an alone -22 on the right side of it.

Alt. image hoster:

I have just 2 ideas for middle bearing bar weldings:

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Option 1:
Assume its Intermittent weld(AKA Stitch Weld, Skip Weld etc.) and for some reason its not given as welding symbol then 8-22 on the right side
Option 2: Assume designer made a terrible typo which was originally intended as just 22(without hyphen) . PS: Drawing owner is a worldwide company

If you think its option 1 can you please refer me to another example of it. I can't seem to find even a single example of it.

Thanks in advance.
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 02-13-2017 19:29
As I believe you're aware, on AWS standard welding symbols, a single number to to the right of the weld symbol represents weld length.
Numbers separated by a hyphen, to the right of a weld symbol, represent individual length and pitch distance of intermittent welds.

Whether or not the engineering office is using AWS standard symbols, or some other version, is an open question.

I would be tempted to assume that the -22 means a 22 length weld, and the hyphen was just a by product of the software being used, or a draftsman's error, BUT, I've learned through repeated stupid mistakes that it is not safe to make such assumptions.
The only way you'll know for sure is to ask the question from the folks who made the drawing.

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Just hyphen number(-XX) on the right side of symbol?

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