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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Spool not accepted due to Reinforcement pad intersection
- - By OLIVEROKORIE Date 08-28-2017 07:40
i'm Oliver,

Please what convincing measures should i give to Client for acceptance so that spool can be erected on site?, the Spool fabrication already Completed.


A fabricated spool of 28 inch Dia. with two Branch 90 degree SOB Joint of 700mm interval distance apart, with 28" x 14" Reinforcement Pad  L=700mm, Thick 7.92mm STD TB

After fabrication the reinforcement pad fall seam to seam (i.e touching each other instead at least 50mm Gap from both pad)

reinforcement pad already welded,
pipe ASTM  A358   28" x 7.92mm thick

RF Pad  STD TB, PIP 5012    28" x 14" by  7.92mm thick

Tempearture 120 Degree centrigrade
Pressure Bar  9
Test Pressure  13.49
Welding Class 3

Planning Engineer
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 08-28-2017 09:55
Before you convince your Client, you must convince your designer.

Your own design engineer will be helpful. You should get your QC personnel to explain on why the spool was not built in accordance with drawing requirements. Why there is no fit up inspection before welding?

It will be difficult to convince your Client if the design is originated by them.

If you do not wish to do repair work and your designer could not help, you may resort to hire the service of a third party willing to support you like those professional engineer.

I think work delay may not be convincing to your client but it will be easy for them to accept any drawing deviation as long as someone is accountable when things turn upside down.
Parent - - By OLIVEROKORIE Date 09-14-2017 17:05
Mr Joey,

thanks for your kind response and also to this forum Professional,

the Drawing are made by other party, further modification of  the drawings are done by us inline with field erection

the spool complete fabrication was done due to negligent of the QC and Welder in Charge of the line,
the QC personnel in question has said all he could for the acceptance yet no way.

i just  need addition comment/advice to enable scale through,

the welded reinforcement Pad against the SOB Branch pipe was done through fillet weld,

on the intersection point,  a steel plate was attached horizontal across the two pad and welded against both, all these are done by welder and QC just to convince the client further for acceptance,
the client now speak against the Crossing welded steel plate on the intersect pad. that is not good and
the pipe is for Process Hydrogen  gas line

kindly advice me further with evidence for the acceptance possibility.

Parent - By Joey (***) Date 09-15-2017 04:28 Edited 09-15-2017 06:49

I think you should not blame the welder if he was not the pipe fitter or job supervisor.

Sorry not easy to imagine the actual condition of your case and I also don't have a good designer's background.

If you don't want to engage a designer to fight your case, then resort to do some drama and try your luck by asking your Client to give you a proposal for method of repair work. This surely no matter what is the outcome will not be rejected by your Client.
You explain that your aim is to help them to complete the erection work on time and run the line for them to start generating revenues. This kind of approach is not a good thing to know but this normally happens in construction:grin::lol:.

If you have no guts to do the above approach, then ask your marketing sales people to approach your client. Anyway, your Client is partly to blame for engaging your company.  You will not learn this approach in any Code book, Std or Recommeded Practices. So please don't quote my name:yell::yell::evil:.
- By 803056 (*****) Date 09-15-2017 10:31

A sketch and photograph of the area of concern would be very helpful to those of us trying to understand what was done and why your customer is not accepting the "as built" spool.

The welder should have been provided a drawing of the pipe spool that showed the dimensions and fittings to be used. The welder should not be tasked with design responsibilities. If the welder ignored the drawings that were provided, that is a different story. If your QC accepted the changes without authorization from those responsible for design, that is another issue that needs to be addressed.

The project specification and drawings should also list the applicable construction code and where applicable, the fluid service (I'm thinking of ASME B31.3 with regards to the fluid service).

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Spool not accepted due to Reinforcement pad intersection

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