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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pipeline Rig
- - By Logan Ellis Date 09-20-2017 04:24
Hey Fellas,

I am a welding student at Mitchell Technical Institute and i am trying to get my 6G certification that way i can be on the pipeline. I was wondering what you guys would suggest on what kind of vehicle i should use and what kind of machine i should be running. i also wanted to know how much i should be looking to spend on equipment for my rig that way i can set up a plan for things i need to spend money on. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 09-20-2017 13:11
Great question Logan. I'm sure you'll see some great replies.
It would help if you could pick an area in which you would prefer to operate, Alaska, Oklahoma, Louisiana, anywhere, any weather, etc.
This means a lot when considering rigs.

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-20-2017 13:38 Edited 09-20-2017 13:54
Before investing a ton of money in equipment you may not need, check out the situation to make sure you can get a job welding pipe. Not to be negative, but a "certification" from a school and no experience means you'll be at the bottom of the "will call" list.

I don't know your back ground or whether you have previous experience or know someone that already works in the pipeline industry. So, what I have to offer is advice based on you having no experience and only classroom training. You might consider applying for a job with several local mechanical contractors or consider applying for an apprenticeship with the UA. There is more to welding than simply running a few weld beads in the practice booth. Once you have some experience, people are more likely to be interested in taking a chance by putting you on the payroll. In short, "we all have to pay our dues to get to our destination." Sometimes the road we take has some twists and turns in it. 

If you are not yet a member, join the AWS and attend the meetings with your local section. You will meet the people in your area that take welding seriously and they are the movers and the shakers in your local industry. Most sections hold technical sessions, educational seminars, and just get together to socialize. They have one thing in common; welding. You need to network. Don't go to one meeting and get discouraged because you were not offered a job. People need to get to know you and to learn your capabilities. Most job offers come from people that know you or got your name from someone they know.

You can also consider looking through the job postings available on AWS' website.

All my jobs have been through word of mouth. It takes time to establish the network, but it is well worth the time and effort. You might even learn a thing or two by attending the AWS meetings. If nothing else, you'll meet some interesting people that share a common interest. Be an active participant. Ask to be a part of the section's executive board. Most sections are very happy to have someone volunteer to help.

Good luck - Al
Parent - By Logan Ellis Date 09-20-2017 17:34
Thank You Al. I appreciate the advice!
Parent - - By Logan Ellis Date 09-20-2017 17:33
I am hoping to go to Alaska for my future. What would you recommend for that?
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-20-2017 18:11
Warm clothes!

Parent - By ZCat (***) Date 11-28-2017 03:25
Pipeline work in Alaska is all done by the union. Non union has the North Slope facilities work and work in town, but the pipeline work is mostly all union. You don't use your own rig, you use the contractor's equipment.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pipeline Rig

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