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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding Closure weld of Outer Shell
- - By Toey TNDT (**) Date 11-08-2017 03:04 Edited 11-08-2017 03:09
Dear Sir,

I would like to some advise about welding Closure weld.

I have a problem that inside shell wrap insulation and Closure weld by GTAW may have some dust from grinding weld and put on insulation.

Anyone have idea for protect flying spark form grinding machine ,Please advice me

Thank you

My work like a Vessel have a Jacket
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-08-2017 03:12
A sheet metal barrier might do the trick.

Parent - By Toey TNDT (**) Date 11-08-2017 03:35
Do you have a photo or example ?
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding Closure weld of Outer Shell

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