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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding API5LX65 to API5LX70 pipe
- - By karlkara Date 11-21-2017 19:20
I'm new to the subject and would like to know if it is possible to weld API5LX65 to API5LX70 pipe and what precautions are required as well as what additional tests need to be conducted and any information on filler material. thanks in advance
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-21-2017 22:17
Why is the sky blue daddy?

Give us a starting point.

What welding standard is imposed? Farm Code, API, ASME, what code?

Parent - By jarsanb (***) Date 11-29-2017 18:18
Diameter is an important factor here but there are some resources that might be useful. All reference concerns with X70 materials to some degree. As for X65 to X70 specifically, not really. Done frequently as long as the general concerns of procedure compliance, applicable code/standard references and the advisories by PHMSA are addressed.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding API5LX65 to API5LX70 pipe

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