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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / tee master pqr/wps
- - By ididntdoit89 (*) Date 06-19-2018 18:26
my company just bought a tee master, which is a machine that welds plate to plate( t-joint).  We are doing the work for  a shipyard that uses old mil standards and aws d1.1. all this machine is designed to do is weld up t joints and light girders. my question is where do i start with the doing a pqr and making a wps? this is a sub arc machine but will only make fillet welds for the time being. an operator has to tack the ends of the plates before the machine can start welding. thanks in advance for the help.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-20-2018 00:34
Go directly to Air Liquede for technical/operational  guidance

Your governing specifications are going to provide you with procedure and performance qualification demands for the base metals you use

Cool video of this unit doing 3 piece builtup.

It has possible advantages over a Franklin or Conrac if fillets are required on both sides as shown on the video.  Rather slow otherwise
Parent - By ididntdoit89 (*) Date 06-20-2018 16:54
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / tee master pqr/wps

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