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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Inspection tools
- - By gkcwi (**) Date 12-01-2004 14:37
Does anybody have a good site to buy inspection hand tools,i.e. magnetic base angle finders, fillet weld gages and such from?
Parent - By gerold (*) Date 12-01-2004 16:05
Try the G.A.L. Gage Co. at . They have a pretty good selection for what you may be looking for.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 12-02-2004 11:37
Check out McMaster-carr at scroll down and you will see the listing for "Measuring, Leveling and Inspecting " on the right. Thats a great place to browse.

Have a nice day

Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 12-02-2004 13:00
Check out for inspection tools plus alot of other tools and technical books.

Parent - By Welder 42 (*) Date 12-02-2004 20:59
I am more favorable to G.A.L myself. I agree with the rest of the gang!
Parent - By brande (***) Date 12-18-2004 05:41
GAL Gage will get you the basic specialty tools like fillet gages, V-wac, Cambridge, radius gages, etc. They make good tools and seem to be cheaper than buying from the catalogs, if you go direct. As long as you are buying GAL items. There is somewhat cheaper stuff out there, but you get what you pay for.

Remember-you have to be right when inspecting.

MSCDirect will get you the generic stuff-scales (rulers), dial calipers, micrometers, magnifiers, scribers/picks, tapes, soapstone, markers tempsticks and the like.

Other choices for generic might be Enco (part of MSC as I am told) J&L Industrial, McMaster-Carr, Graingers, and many others.

Buy what you need. Do not scrimp on your inspection tools. For the most part, you only have to buy them once.

Keep in mind, too, that your reputation may depend on those tools as well.

Good Luck

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Inspection tools

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