#2 question of the day
I'm working with a company that designs and manufactures many custom one-off products to D14.1 and D1.1 (the codes seem to be very similar).
They have the role of design engineer and QC.
I am auditing all of their WPS's to ensure that they are qualified.
They have a short and simple WPS manual that is supposed to cover everything they do.
Almost all of it is prequalified, but they did qualify two broad procedures:
1. A particular 100ksi (D1.1 Table 4.9) steel to group I and II CJP
1. A particular 100ksi (D1.1 Table 4.9) steel to itself CJP
The problem is that they use 4 different sizes of single-pass fillet welds (1/8", 3/16", 1/4", and 5/16").
Limitation of travel speed for D14.1 is a little different than D1.1 - it is only +/-10% for some reason.
They cannot achieve all four sizes of fillet welds within this limitation. I think they can only achieve one (maybe two) of the sizes.
How is this normally handled? More PQR's for fillet welds only? If they run additional fillet weld tests, is a consumables verification test required per D1.1 This doesn't make sense to me since they've already run a CJP PQR.
What's the deal with D1.1 Table 4.5 Note C?
They would like to keep doing what they're doing for the most part without running a very large number of PQRs - is there any way that this will be possible?