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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Tungsten
- - By Jarhead1 (**) Date 10-19-2018 15:17
Greetings All,

Is there a tungsten of choice these days for all materials carbon steel, stainless, aluminum. max. .25 thk.
I'm still old school 2% (red) and pure (green) for aluminum.

I tried the 1.5% Lanthanated but not sold at this point.

Using a new inverter based machine and old syncrowave.

Thanks in advance.
Parent - By TerryTerzian (*) Date 10-19-2018 22:06
2% Lanthanated is a good compromise for AC and DC. Not quite as good as Thoriated for DC, but very good for AC.

Personally I just keep using 2% Thoriated for DC, and 2% Lanthanated for AC. For identification I point both ends of the Thoriated, and only one end of the Lanthanated.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Tungsten

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