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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / lamination near a field weld prep
- - By ididntdoit89 (*) Date 11-07-2018 19:07
guys i need some help. the field inspector has found a lamination near the bottom flange weld prep of an i beam. the only thing i can find on this in d1.1 talks about visually observed cut surfaces. Im not sure what that even is.  AISC refers you to ASTM A6. Im not sure what to do.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-07-2018 20:59
Here is a snip from the UT portion of clause 6

"6.19.4 Base Metal. These procedures are not intended to
be employed for the procurement testing of base metals.
However, welding related discontinuities (cracking,
lamellar tearing, delaminations, etc.) in the adjacent base
metal which would not be acceptable under the provisions
of this code shall be reported to the Engineer for

When Shearwave UT is done on CJP joints, a straight beam lamination scan is also required.

I would suspect that if the lamination or delamination is found visually than they should also be reported to the Engineer for disposition.

D1.1 Clause C- Repair also devotes some text to laminations and that in some cases they may be acceptable... But the Engineer shall determine that.
Parent - By ididntdoit89 (*) Date 11-07-2018 22:03
this lamination was mill induced and not caused by welding. im under the impression that 5.14 is only related to visually observed cut surfaces
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / lamination near a field weld prep

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