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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / mill induced lamination tolerances
- - By ididntdoit89 (*) Date 11-09-2018 16:53
guys i need some help. the field inspector has found a lamination near the bottom flange weld prep of an i beam. the only thing i can find on this in d1.1 talks about visually observed cut surfaces. Im not sure what that even is.  AISC refers you to ASTM A6. Im not sure what to do.this lamination was mill induced and not caused by welding. im under the impression that 5.14 is only related to visually observed cut surfaces
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-13-2018 03:45
AWS D1.1 includes visual acceptance criteria up to a point. If the visible dimension exceeds a certain value, the lamination must be “explored” to determine how big it really is. UT using a straight beam transducer or one with a dual element (for thin material) can be used for that purpose.

You can use MT to confirm the length of the lamination on the groove face.

Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 11-15-2018 15:52
You'll need to perform NDE, as Al mentioned, to determine the extent of the lamination and then provide this info to the Engineer for disposition. He/She may require, repair, replacement or acceptance, depending on the loading that the particular member is expected to experience.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / mill induced lamination tolerances

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