The answer to your first question is Yes, as Lawrence mentioned . The next question is hard to answer on this site. You can e-mail me and I would be willing to give you some more in-depth understanding of PWHT. PWHT is mandatory on all P91 material after welding. Immediate PWHT after bake out and the material has cooled to 200 Deg. f is recommended. But, EPRI (Energy Power Research Institute) and other industry SME's recommend no more than 7 days after welding and bake out to perform PWHT. EPRI is the leading organization for all things P91. They have a web site you can tap into. Some of their info is free and some is very expensive and requires membership. Be advised that this material requires detailed procedures for pre-heat, welding, NDE, hardness testing and PWHT and based on your post, I would highly recommend consulting SME's for assistance. This material, if not joined correctly can be very problematic and can be prone to failure.