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Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / What is ASME Code use for PMI?
- By dzaver Date 11-15-2018 12:01
Hello everybody. I have a question about requirements for PMI. Where can i find it? What is ASME Code i can use for it? Thx.

Best regards,
- - By LToca85 (**) Date 11-15-2018 12:20
Someone might correct me but here is my thoughts. I believe on what ever material you are to PMI the readings should fall under the specified numbers for that material. You mentioned ASME so I believe you should look at ASME section II to find the material you will be performing PMI and finding the chemical composition.
Parent - - By dzaver Date 11-16-2018 04:14 Edited 11-16-2018 06:28
Thx for response, i mean this parametres for PMI, maybe it somewhere regulated: how many percents of welding joints neccesarry for PMI test for other lines of piping and pipeline, necessary min and max values of chemical components and other. ASME section II?
Parent - By aravindkm002 (*) Date 04-17-2019 04:46
Refer ASME Section 2 A ,You will get all necessary informations
Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / What is ASME Code use for PMI?

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