The joint can readily be welded with GMAW spray transfer, but it would be easier to weld using the bevel groove, which will be used in production, than the V Groove. OK, Thanks for all or your input, I guess that I was correct that there is no option for the bevel groove. I just thought that I was missing something because you do have the option of the bevel groove joint for welder qualification on plate, see figures 4.19 and 4.21. It seems to me that prior to the 2015 edition, and the addition of clause 9, that pipe qualification could be done with the bevel groove. I don't have a previous edition of D1.1 currently, and ultimately I guess that it doesn't make any difference for us now...
Thanks again.
I looked through the errata yesterday thinking that this exclusion of the bevel groove for horizontal performance qualification is an oversight and might have been caught and fixed... But saw nothing published.
Also agree that in 2010 revision there would be no restriction for a bevel groove 2G performance on HSS....
Knowing how difficult it is for the D1 committee to change (especially by limiting) anything... I still suspect this is an oversight. Which does nothing to help you.
Keep in mind that D1.1 details minimum requirements.
You can always add anything you want to meet your specific needs.
There is also a lot of leeway given to the engineer to modify minimum requirements, and or use different codes and specs along the way.
I like to use the WPQR allowances in B2.1 to make Workmanship Qualification tests that better resemble unique production weld scenarios.