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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Spray transfer mode on CO2 shielding and Argon shielding
- - By JW JEONG Date 07-26-2019 12:23
Hi guys

understand that i'm beginner for welding engineering
i've learned that Argon gas makes Spray transfer mode but CO2 cannot, only Globular mode.

i'm wondering why CO2 cannot make spray mode?
Parent - By DoubleM Date 06-14-2021 06:10
Hi there, I know the post is old. I’m a bran new member… anyways it’s my understanding that the spray arc transfer has to do with the relationship of the volt/amps ratio, as well as which gas is used.
Parent - - By MalRD (*) Date 09-29-2023 02:53
At more than about 20 percent CO2, spray transfer becomes unstable, and periodic short-circuit and globular transfer occur.
Adding 5 percent CO2 to argon produces a blend suitable for pulsed spray transfer and short-circuit transfer on a variety of material thicknesses.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-29-2023 12:40
Go ahead and try to do some short circuit GMAW on steel with a 95/5 Argon Co2 gas mix and tell me how that works out for you.

Just because a book someplace provides a range,,, Don't necessarily embrace that as a weld fact.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Spray transfer mode on CO2 shielding and Argon shielding

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