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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / AWS D1.6 - WPS ranges for Amps, Volts, WFS
- - By PFI (**) Date 08-15-2019 19:58

Quick question here, am I missing something here?  I don’t see allowable ranges for Amps, Volts, and WFS in the AWS D1.6 code book, most specifically these generally appear in the essential variable table. I do see the heat input calculation under the supplemental essential variable table.

Maybe there isn’t any??? If so what is the normal recommend practice?  10% +/- ??
Parent - - By SeeJeepGo (*) Date 08-15-2019 20:30
Clause 3.1 explains the limitations of variables for PREqualified WPS' based on proces. Table 3.1 is Prequalified variables to be specified in a WPS. and Table 3.5 is Prequalifeid WPS requirements.

In Clause 4
Table 4.1S does show "10% increase in welding current beyond the range specified" which i will say is a weird statement. a percentage above A RANGE.
Parent - By PFI (**) Date 08-16-2019 00:13
Yes, I saw this too and thought about using it as a guide but generally the pre-qualifications are very restrictive, so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something obvious.   So with the essential variables not considered is it assumed the welder can just use the Values recorded from the PQR as a guide?  Or must he set to those exact values (within reason) seems to me this is very important values that should be in the table!
Parent - By PFI (**) Date 08-16-2019 18:36
Well I have since now reached out to AWS asking for clarification, I will update this thread when I get the answer.  Then everyone will know.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / AWS D1.6 - WPS ranges for Amps, Volts, WFS

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