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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Titanium filler rod storage
- - By Metalmorphoses Date 10-09-2019 07:41 Edited 10-09-2019 08:03
Hey all, at my work (aerospace), our filler rod cabinet is literally someone's old freezer. The lift lid is cut into three, each with a handle, and the inside is divided by cardboard and duct tape. One of the lids recently cracked me in the head.
My supervisor asked me to come up with a different design, so after scouring the internet and finding absolutely nothing, I drew something up.
The design I came up with is like a front-loading fridge with three or four internal shelves, and their own individual doors on each level. Argon input would be in the top of the back, so when a door is opened and then closed, the argon can fill it back up. The shelves would be metal mesh so that the argon can permeate each level. I'm getting some push back from lifers at the company who don't like change, saying nothing but what we currently have will work, as anything else would let oxygen in. I've worked at two other companies, welding titanium, that had different designs and they worked perfectly fine.

Does anyone know if there are AWS standards for how titanium filler rod is stored? Or if there are general guidelines? Does anyone know of any argon-purged cabinets that aren't designed like a lift-lid freezer?

Thanks for your help!
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-09-2019 11:40
AWS G2.4 2007 Guide for the Fusion Welding of Titanium and Titanium Alloys says the following:

"All filler metal should be stored in closed and sealed
containers until issued for use and then kept in the container
or sheath until selected for welding. Spooled filler
wire and cut lengths are commonly shipped in sealed
plastic bags or sheaths.  Wire bags or sheaths should be
opened and handled carefully so they may be resealed for
extended storage.  Filler metal bags or sheaths should be
carefully resealed for storage where any extended period
of time is expected before reuse."

I've honestly never heard of an argon purged filler wire box or cabinet.  Sounds like overkill.

Titanium is one of the most "inert" metals you can find.  At room temperature not much will cause it to oxidize or corrode other than chlorine.

I've seen wire storage made from a series of PVC tubes set horizontally.  They can be easily marked and capped to keep some humidity and shop air out.

Also keep in mind that the "Guide" I quoted above uses terms like "should" and "may"  rather than "shall"

In my opinion, having rod storage that facilitates excellent traceability is prolly the most important thing.   So long as you are not exposing your fillers (any fillers) to extended periods of oily shop air and dust contamination, you are probably doing a satisfactory to excellent job.
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 10-09-2019 12:41
Ti doesn't absorb O2 until it reaches 800 F, right?
Ti filler metal is cleaned just before use, right?

Warm, dry, enclosed filler metal storage makes sense.
Argon purged storage doesn't.

Good point about traceability Lawrence.

Just trying to make sure I'm not missing something...

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-09-2019 23:38
Buy a "Seal-A-Meal" and buy the plastic bag material on a roll. The end can be heat sealed, the rods placed in the bag and the end heat sealed. The bag on the roll can be cut to any length needed to hold the rod (36-inch is typical). If you need traceability, photocopy the CMTR or the label from the container of rod and place a copy in the sealed plastic bag along with the rod. You can place 1/2 pound, 1-pound, or whatever you want into the individual bag. It is sealed unit it is needed. another advantage: you can reseal it.

I use this approach for weld coupons used for DOT testing. The plastic bag seals the coupons from moisture, grit, grime, you name it.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Titanium filler rod storage

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