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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Filler material and heat treating for aluminum welds.
- - By jdiebold88 Date 12-03-2019 17:04
I am looking for some advice regarding welding aluminum.

I have two thin sheets of aluminum (0.02" thick) that will be joined together by welding along the edges. The sheet metal will then be subjected to bending about an axis that is perpendicular to the welds.

I have very limited knowledge regarding the welding of aluminum. Initially because of the high stresses that will be involved I was going to use Aluminum 5052-H19 because of the the high yield strength. After some research I learned that the yield strength in the vicinity of the weld will be significantly lower than the base material so I no longer believe this is viable.

After some more research I believe Aluminum 6061-T6 might work because I can heat treat it after the welding in order to restore the properties of the material. However I have also learned that the properties of the weld are also affected by the filler material and possibly other factors regarding how the weld is performed.

How do I go about selecting the correct filler material and how do I know what heat treatment to provide after the welding process? Are there other factors that I need to be considering?
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 12-03-2019 20:17
Here is a link to about 30 workshops on aluminum welding by Frank Armao  (the best)

The information you find there may motivate you to seek out a consultant welding engineer as bending welded aluminum presents a need for calculating a number of factors in sequence.

Distortion after heat treatment can also be a game changer.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Filler material and heat treating for aluminum welds.

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