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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / WPS Requirements- joint designation
- - By cbutts (*) Date 07-14-2020 15:30
Hello, while looking at the Prequalification's of  WPS's in D1.1 i notice the code book has a joint designation code, i understand what that is and the book provides a legend for the codes put into the joint question would be, is this required to have and making a WPS if not when would this be used other than the code book.
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 07-15-2020 11:06
Yes it is. The prequalified section of AWS D1.1 is one of the shining stars of D1.1. My opinion. You (by you I mean engineering) basically can peruse that section and pick a joint design and WPS that best fits your application. i.e. material, thickness, welding process, joint design.  You don't have to run a PQ, wait for results of the testing and then write the WPS. You write the detailed welding procedure based on the prequalified WPS you pick.  Saves you a ton of time and money, but it doesn't take away the option to develop your own PQ the old fashion way if your need to. It's a great tool in your welding engineering tool box.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-15-2020 11:21
You could take the lazy way out and say, "All prequalified grooves and fillets in accordance with AWS D1.1", but that wouldn't provide useful information to the welder unless you give the welder a copy of D1.1.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / WPS Requirements- joint designation

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