Sherlocking .....Right.
To other responders please do not make a big effort researching on my part. I am very confident I have my answers. Commentary is still welcome though.
Well with little left before me I dove into this little mess further. Another review through unapproved preliminary drawings reveals related other conflicts and discrepancies. Boring run of the mill mistakology and overlookyness .......So.....
I will unsheath my somewhat mighty pen from its well worn scabbard and proceed to cut away the dried mud from the bestie at hand. So it may be reshaped and relieved of it's errant and putrid lesions. I will not rest nor tire until it may stand under the brilliant and blistering light of righteous, intelligent and well informed scrutiny.
Grateful an arc has not been struck at this point.
Hopeful the multiple (at this point) resolutions/solutions will be low key and non dramatic.
Trying not to be negative about feeling like I am the only person paying attention (just sometimes). Most of these folks make a lot more coin than me.

It is a job I guess, grateful to have one, especially these days.