Two components of ASTM SA-747/SA-747M CB7Cu-1 castings of H1075 heat treated condition ( Solution annealing at 1050 deg C for 4 hrs + Water quenched followed by PH treatment at 580 Deg C for 7 hrs and air cooled ) is joined to gether.
Welding std: ASME Sec IX
Joint type: V goove with BM backing of 2-3mm
Weld metal thickness: 16 mm
Joint angle: 60 Deg
Circumferential weld (Joining Plug & stem)
Part is a pressure containing part
Pl advise which of the WPS shall be followed to produce this weld
1. WPS without PWHT but meeting all mechanical testing requirements
2. WPS with same heat treatment cycle as followed for casting meeting all mechanical testing requirements