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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / AWS D1.1 2020 WPS Wall Thickness Qualified
- - By Firefly (*) Date 02-03-2022 00:22
Hi Everyone,

In AWS D1.1 2020 Table 10.9 WPS qualification on pipe using standard test pipe 200NB x 12.7mm WT qualifies the WPS for unlimited WT in plate or pipe.

In AWS D1.1 2020 Table 6.2 WPS qualification on plate requires a test coupon of 25mm WT for the WPS to be qualified to unlimited WT.

I cannot see the logic in this i.e. pipe requiring 12.7mm WT for unlimited and plate requiring 25mm WT for unlimited.

Could someone please explain the reasoning behind this?

Parent - - By Jovi Zhu (**) Date 02-03-2022 13:34

As Code user we may not be abe to know all details behind. But to my undestanding it is obvious D1.1 gives separated Clauaes 10 for tubular structures probably due to the fact that, for a given thickness, plate and pipe joints are of different joint geometries and restraint levels.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-03-2022 22:59
The 12 mm using pipe is pretty much in alignment with ASME Section IX  with regards to the thickness qualified for welder performance.

The 25 mm for unlimited thickness qualification on plate is as it has always been.

Justification: hey, we're talking about a code committee where one side wants a horse, the other side wants a donkey, and what we end up will is something of a compromise (the middle), a Jackass.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / AWS D1.1 2020 WPS Wall Thickness Qualified

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