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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Marial Receiving
- - By Richman (**) Date 12-04-2024 23:07
Hi all!

Good day everyone. Just want to confirm/ask what inspection will do during material receiving inspections of Welding Consumables (Electrode /Filler wires)?
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 12-05-2024 14:27
Hi Rich.

I think the answer is going to depend on a few things.   

Governing welding code, business accreditations, internal quality manual, & contract requirements all might come into play.

Some codes demand via WPS for the manufacturer and specific electrode brand name shall be included, and others do not.

One example would be AISC 360 Chapter N requirements.   Table N5.4-1 (Inspection Tasks Prior to Welding) specifies that manufactures certifications for consumables shall be available.

Another example is AWS D.18 seismic supplement, which specifies special "Product Data Sheets" for consumables used for Demand Critical Welds that must have heat envelop testing.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-06-2024 12:46
To add to Lawrence's list: obtain paperwork showing purity and dew points of shielding gasses, watch/check for fork punctures for pallets of hermetically sealed containers for SMAW low hydrogen electrodes, torn boxes or broken sealed rolls of FCAW wires that have seismic quality (atmospheric exposure limits) requirements....I'm sure there are many more that escapes my memory at the moment.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Marial Receiving

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