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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Verifying Weld Table Speed
- - By jd369 (**) Date 12-09-2024 18:03
Hi All
Just curious how others are verifying the their table speed for a semi  or automated GTAW welding machine.
I generally align the tungsten on the part, place a mark, start the table and use a calibrated stop watch and time it for 15 seconds, stop the table and place another mark. I measure the distance using a small flexible tape measure and multiple this number by 4 to get my Inches per Minute.
I'm concerned that during an audit I will be picked up for using a measuring device that is not calibrated (flexible tape measure).
How are others verifying their table speed?
Parent - By twistedmetal208 (*) Date 12-11-2024 21:59
Our internal process requires we calibrate our tape measures so that is generally how we would do it. Picking up a pair of calipers that can be easily calibrated is also something that could be done. Depending on the auditor I could see your current method being called out. It depends on what kind of standards you get audited for or if your customers perform the audits.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 12-27-2024 13:30
I have used video coupled with marks on the joint. I have only performed this for D1.5 procedure qualification to verify that what I recorded during the process was accurate.

In all other cases, timed the pass and new the distance...did the math.

Calibration is another topic.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Verifying Weld Table Speed

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