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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding of crane rails
- - By CHGuilford (****) Date 01-05-2005 22:32
I'm looking for info on welding ASCE 30# rails to structural steel (A36/A572-50). Specifically the recommended electrodes. I though I had info on that but cannot find it. I thinking a SMAW, FCAW, or GMAW electrode would be easiest.

This intent is to weld the toes of the flanges to plates to hold them in place. Normally clips or brackets are used for this type of application but the owner is looking to weld them instead These will be used as guide rails for a hydro trash rack, so loading will be occasional and relatively light. The biggest concern is limited access for installing brackets in the narrow rail channel and corrosion.

The rails have 0.44% carbon & 0.97% manganese, so good ole E7018 probably won't work well. Preheating will be 'interesting' but not impossible. I had thought 309L would be a good choice but am not sure. I think there will be coal tar epoxy over the welds so I don't think dissimilar metals corrosion is a big issue.

This is not butt splicing so thermite welding would not be applicable.

Any info will be appreciated.

Chet Guilford

Parent - By MBSims (****) Date 01-05-2005 23:55
Actually, E7018 with a 300-400 F local preheat of the rail should work fine. If you can get a scrap section of rail to try it on, that would be good. I would MT the welds when done to verify no cracking.
Parent - By PhilThomas (**) Date 01-06-2005 13:17
A 312-type will work as well.

Parent - - By gkcwi (**) Date 01-06-2005 15:13
Two ideas,

1. AWS D14.1-97, Specification for Welding Industrial And Mill Cranes and Other Material Handling Equipment. Never looked at this spec. but there may be some useful info.

2. How about using a maintence/GP stick electrode. We've used a national product here in the shop for everything from press punch die repair to repair of transfer chains.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 01-06-2005 17:31
Thanks for the responses.

At this point, I have received some information that 800-1000F preheat would be required, as well as PWHT, for the grade of rail being used. Kinda hard to do with steel plates anchored with studs to concrete, even if the preheat were only 300F. Apparently this comes from AWS D15.2 which I do not have and just learned would be the applicable welding code.

Our recommendation will be to find an alternate mechanical fastening solution since we don't want to be responsible for repairs to cracked welds 2 years from now.

Again, thank you.

Chet Guilford
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding of crane rails

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