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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Which 3/8" Plasma cutter is best?
- - By ndav8r Date 02-26-2005 14:39
Hi all:
I am in the market for a new Plasma cutter about the 3/8" or a little better cutting range. I would like to keep it around $1000 to $1400 range. Any opinions on which is best for the money and the price of it's consumables? Thanks for your input!
Parent - By supermechanic (**) Date 02-26-2005 21:16
I have no specific models in mind, but I will reccomend Hypertherm.
Their product support is second to none.
Parent - - By zxyman9 (*) Date 03-04-2005 16:16
Hans, Last year I was researching the different plasma cutters on the market and was shocked by the high priced american brand units available.So I came accross a distributor in Mesa, Arizona that sells a Plasma cutter ( 40 amp output,220vac input ) with comparable specifications to units twice the cost.The web site is : or call Diversified Technology @ 480.832.7841 and ask for Phil Parkerson; he will explain and answer all your questions.By the way , units that cost alot are a form of Capitalism ( what will the market bear ? ).I purchased this unit (utilizes inverter technology,only 20 lbs. ) and it performs/exceeds my expectations.The American Companies that I called before I puchased this unit could not explain properly to me why other units available out there were less expensive. Their usual answer was inferior product and poor service/quality/no parts available or no warranty stations.Not so , this is equal to or surpasses the specifications of American brand units. Diversified Technology just offers a superb product/service/parts/warranty @ a price that other companies refuse to offer.As a customer , you should know all the facts.This is just my oppinion of this company because I am a satisfied customer. If you want to contact me,since I researched for 6 months , my email is ....

regards, michael D.
Parent - - By Brand X (*) Date 03-04-2005 19:06
Where do you buy your consumables? Sound like the real mess to get into. Anybody that has been around plasma cutters know the torches have took the biggest leap in the tech area. I can tell you for a fact yours is way behind!!!!! :(

I can drive in any direction and get parts for my torch or service if needed. There is no free lunch!!!!
Parent - - By zxyman9 (*) Date 03-06-2005 02:02
Brand X, You seem to make allegations about my plasma cutter that matches / exceeds the specifications of other American units. Also who are you ?Your email and identity is unknown (does not exist,mystery to me ).The consumables are available from the distributor and if you're a sharp guy you should always have some on hand .We do live in very mordern times, "OVERNITE DELIVERY".The price of my unit will appeal to those smart shoppers that want the most bang for their money. Let each buyer decide for themselves not you or I. My comments are not inflamatory; yours are indicating otherwise!!!!!!

regards , michael D.
Parent - - By Brand X (*) Date 03-06-2005 02:31
[Not so , this is equal to or surpasses the specifications of American brand units.]

Who wrote that, me?

I want people to know that when somebody pimps their stuff here, red flags should fly. You wouldn't have any extra made in china gasoline cutting torches for sale, would you???? (LOL)
Parent - - By zxyman9 (*) Date 03-06-2005 04:20
Brand X, You're just a smoke blower.Why don't you just go to the web site I mentioned in another posting and evalute without bias and slander.Maybe you will change your mind and be fair for a change instead of all negative comments!!!!!

regards , michael D.
Parent - - By Brand X (*) Date 03-06-2005 05:26
I looked, and for $900.00 it's a joke.
Sorry no sale!! See I am kind spoiled by the machines I use every day.
I have standards that I will not go below when I buy welding machines.
I can post real pictures of my cuts. I hope you can do the same. I want to see the bevel, dross, kerf on mild steel.

Here is my first picture of the bevel I get out of my Thermal Dynamics 101 cutter.

Ok, the lets see who is blowing smoke!!!!

Parent - By Bob Sigmon (*) Date 03-21-2005 21:21
Brand X,

Are you sure that your cut is truly square? Your measuring equipment is from Taiwan. LOL

Parent - By Brand X (*) Date 03-06-2005 05:43
Now back to the real world of plasma machines. I would get a Thermal Dynamics cutmaster 51 if you could swing it. The Miller and Hypertherm are more money in the 40 amp range. The Hyperthem 600 is or was made by Miller. I used the 375 and in that range the Miller (27 amp and the Thermal cutmaster 38 (30 amps) they are both very good machines. The esab 550 (35 amps) is a pretty good unit, now that it is made in the states. Here is apicture of the torch that comes on all of the Thermal plasma's. They use the same parts if it's 30 amp machine or 100 amp one. Just the tip is a different size. I run all different tips in my cnc cutting setup. You can use a 20 amp tip for a 10 thousands kerf if you want to do art work. Having the electrode that can take 100 amps will really last if you are at 30 or 40. I also retro fitted my 38 xl to the one torch so I can use the same parts as my machine torch. I also can use that torch on my 101 if I want. I bet you could get a adapter from Thermal and run it on the machine that Michael is pimping here. If you buy that one I have a feeling you will be looking hi and low for consumables and other parts!! (LOL) Buyer beware, and remember a couple of old sayings.
You get what you pay for. A sucker is born every minute!!!!!
Also if it seems to good to be true, it probably is. :)

Michael thinks I am being unfair, when I feel the exact same way of the stuff he is trying to pull. It pisses my off that some poor guy could get sucked into something like that. I have nothing to gain by laying out what I feel is the truth as I see it.
What do you have to gain Michael?
Parent - By lance430 Date 03-10-2005 19:18
Hello All

I'm new to both this forum and to serious welding but not new to industrial buying. I have looked at a lot of cutters, tried some and talked to sevral friends/aquaintances who weld for a living. (everything from bridges to nuke plants to stainless pipe in pharmacutical plants) All think highly of Hypertherm.

I called Hypertherm's factory and talked to a couple of tech guys with an eye to finding out what they think sets them apart. They were more than helpful. They were knowledgable about thier competitors products and spoke with great candor.

I asked if they had and "scratch and dent merchandise" laying around. The answer was "Yes". They said they have dealer return, warranty return, scratched and dented stuff and show return products. All ships with new warranty. They don't have all models at all times. They said to have your distributor ask for a list of what was in "warehouse #9". They went on to say that you should be able to get stuff, through your distributor for about 1/2 of list price. I asked my distributor (Haun welding here in Upstate NY) about it and they had never heard of it. On checking it out though, it all seems legit.

Hope this helps.

Parent - - By digruprguy Date 03-13-2005 21:43
I have 2 ESAB 500i plasmas, 1/2 inch machines, and the last one I bought I didn't pay much more than $1,400 for. I don't like the torch, but it works good. The consumables are reasonable and easy to get. I also don't like the rear mounted on/off switch but I hooked a lever onto it and can turn it on from the front now.

Like printers and ink cartridges, I always look at the consumables and what they cost. If you use them a lot you will pay for the cutter ten times over with the cost of high price consumables during its lifetime.

Make sure it is a company that has been around for a while, or that the consumables cross to another machine or when they go out of business your cutter will be too.

Go to different welding supply shops and ask a lot of questions. Some around here even have a trial area you can try differnt machines.

Parent - By Hysave Date 03-27-2005 18:07
Hello Everybody:

I am kind of an old school guy: Which is the best plasma machine to buy you ask? Ask each of the plasma cutter manufactures that question and you will get as many answers. If a particular manufacture's rep knocks and puts down the other guys machine instead of just explaining the features and benifits of his own product, I would not be impressed. I have been around a long time. From my experience a sales engineer that relies on slander and or demeaning comments to sell his or her product has a self confidence problem. A persons work (product) should be able stand on its own merits and not have to be compared to another manufactures machines to make his look good. A persons word should be their bond. If you know the sales persons name and where that person works her / his character can be easily be determined simply by asking around his / her customer base. If he goes out of his way to hide his ID you should question his motives.
So what is the right answer? Which is the best plasma cutter? There is no right answer. If you build hot rods in your spare time in your back yard you sure won't need a $2000.00 plasma cutter. At the other end of the spectrum, you don't want a machine you can't get service or parts for either. Go to a local trade show or even a hot rod show. There are usualy plenty of welder supply companies displaying product. There are enough suppliers around that you can try each plasma cutter at absolutely no cost to the buyer. Try several types. Find out which one suits your needs. Decide what you can afford. And by the way, a higher priced machine or a big name may not be the best one for you. On the other hand if you run a manufacturing facility, service after the sale is more important than the purchase price. That may mean doing business with one of the big guys. The neat thing about Plasma cutters is that solid state electronic power supplies has knocked at least 100 pounds of weight out of the average plasma machine. And like all solid state micro processor controled products (think computer because that is very simular to what you are buying) the prices are coming down fast. And if you are doing business with a company who's cutters are not coming down like all other electronics you may want to take a second look. So look around, shop around pick the one that you can afford that will do the job that you want it to do. It does not matter what the other guy thinks. And if you end up with a machine built off shore and that makes you feel un-American take the difference between what you paid for that machine and its on shore counterpart and give the balance to a US charity and or church of your choice.
Good luck shopping.

Walt Joncas
Parent - - By speedy8084 (*) Date 04-21-2005 01:27
The best 3/8 plasma is a 3/4 plasma!!! if you go overkill like me I got an 80 amp Ltec... then you will never be let the wayI got mine used on ebay for $1000 shipped to my door...and lost 2 other auctions for similar equipment and less money! Don't go will cost you too much $
Parent - By mometal77 (*) Date 05-13-2005 20:05
I just joined the forum. I have only used an esab plasma cutter. I graduated from a tech college a few yrs ago and now weld for a living great information in here. I was looking on google and found a site where it shows all the types of companies and how many products they all have thermal dynamics makes twice the machines hypertherm does. Those that have or make the most machines are they smarter.

Also search for those waterjet cutters they look pretty cool.. This new technology coming out with different metals is going to outragous the next ten yrs is going to be awesome.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Which 3/8" Plasma cutter is best?

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