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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / When did you start?
- - By sanglebrandt Date 03-18-2005 00:15
When did you start welding? I am wondering, becasue I am only 17, and I started last year.

I am competing in Skills USA in gas welding. I am going to the state finals at the end of April. I know there are alot younger wleders out there now, and I want to know how good is good? What are other guys doing in gas welding at the high school level?
Parent - - By OSUtigger (**) Date 03-18-2005 00:54

I help out with the FFA welding contest that we have each year on campus, and two years ago we had a guy run though there who was going back to the international Skills-USA competition sometime later (he had already competed at that level, did not win, but had done well enough that he was able to compete again). Our competition at the time was centered on a simple brazing joint. He did well on the skill, but I am not sure exactly how old he was (though he HAD to be high school age).

I made it to the state level in Skills-USA, at your age and fared well (3rd). Our competition was apparently set up different, however. We did everything, not just in one area (started with a blue print and steel, flame cut, then mig, tig, and stick it all to the final piece), but from what I have encountered, you should be able to lay down dimes no matter if it's brazing or welding. DO NOT think that the skill is all that there is, however. Being good means you aren't just a welder with robotic hand eye coordination, but you can think too...

Parent - - By pjseaman (**) Date 03-18-2005 02:23
I bought an oxy/acetelene set when I was 17 or 18 for my birthday used it mostly for dismantling cars. 10 years later I bought my first wire feed flux core welder, a friend was a much better welder than I and made me look really bad so I decided to let him be my inspiration and I went back to college at age35 I am nearly38 and can out weld him in almost any catagory and I've added multiple thousands of dollars of equipment. I want you to realize that age has nothing to do with it determination is the key that will open the door.

Be safe and weld well
Parent - - By Sand Man (**) Date 03-19-2005 13:22
I first learned to weld with DC and 6013 when I was about 12 yrs old.
When I got into 7th grade they had a class on O/A welding.
It is a continual learning process. I am 42 now.
It sounds like you have a good opprotunity, so work hard and you will get where you want to be.
Parent - - By sanglebrandt Date 03-21-2005 13:40
I took drafting classes last year, and I am taking more next year, so I can read and draw prints, I work with metal all the time, its in the family. I can weld dimes in t-joints and lap joints and my butt joints get CJP every time, and the penetration looks like another bead along the backside. I am going through a list of things to practice for states, and there are some really hard welds on there, like overhead buttjoints in 14 and 11 guage, and overhead pipe welding.

There were some other really good OAW welders in my class, but a couple can't read prints, and the other kid accidentally set his print on fire, so he couldn't read it.

I've gotten 2nd at all my comps so far, and I hope to get 2nd at states. I see it like this, my favorite band ever is Led-Zeppelin, and they were never number 1 on the charts, but over their career, they are #2. I have no shame in being #2.
Parent - - By OSUtigger (**) Date 03-21-2005 15:36
A word of caution,

When I placed third in Skills-USA, I was the highest ranking contender who DID read the blueprint correctly. The two who placed ahead of me placed the bevel plates on the part wrong (I know this because I met them both later at another contest and they admitted to doing the deed...). I'm still confused as to how this was allowed to happen, but take comfort in the fact that all my welds were performed and prepared without the aid of anything other than hand tools--we were told all equipment would be provided for us. I had to knock the mill scale and O/A slag off of my TIG weld zone with a file, while everyone else did so with a grinder...

Parent - By TOMWELDS Date 03-29-2005 03:55
I bought a Montgomery Ward 100amp AC buzz box when i was 12. Had a blast learning! By 16 yrs i was working in a factory learning brazing, spot welding, etc. I became a lic. electrician at 22 yrs. While working in bakeries, i was always asked if i knew a good welder/mechanic? Came in handy! I do more welding/ mechanics today than electrical. Learn all you can. You never know!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / When did you start?

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