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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MEC-850 steel
- - By knightour (*) Date 04-19-2005 10:40
Does anyone have any information on what this steel is?The place I work at uses this type of steel on a regular basis.Doing an internet search of this steel using Google turned up nothing.Thanks.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 04-19-2005 14:46
I don't know either, but I'll give you an advice.
Find out in the Purchasing Dept. of the place you work at the name of the supplier, number of purchase order etc.
Then, get in touch with the supplier and ask him. If nothing else works, this will certainly do.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By knightour (*) Date 04-20-2005 10:02
Thank you for the response,but I do not have access to the office.Perhaps a general search of steel producers will produce a result.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 04-20-2005 11:01
What shapes(structural shapes, piping, sheet, etc...) of this unidentified steel are you currently using? Perhaps that will help narrow your search criteria some.
John Wright
Parent - By knightour (*) Date 04-20-2005 22:44
It comes in plate form.seems to be a type of mild steel,maybe something like A572?My company has been using this steel for at least 10 years,perhaps longer.I know what type of filler is needed to weld it.I was mostly curious to see if anyone else uses MEC 850 and what the chemical composition of it is.I tried a search on a more extensive search engine called "dogpile" and still no results.
Parent - - By - Date 04-20-2005 22:19
What grade of filler metal are you using to weld this material? That ought to give you a general idea of the chemical composition.

Parent - - By knightour (*) Date 04-26-2005 10:13
MEC 850 is the name for a type of mild steel(s).The MEC850 nomenclature is only used at the company I work at as far as I can determine.The MEC part is the initials of the company;M*Engineering Company.I know what filler is used on it,preheat etc. as there is a WPS printed for welding mild steel and kept current in the department.The WPS gives the MEC 860 as being A572,grade60.It seems possible that MEC 850 stands for A850, a better grade of mild steel.I would be interested to know if any other place of business uses the method of giving a steel that already has an established nomenclature a new name for internal use and why.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 04-26-2005 12:20
I noticed that they reference A572 grade60 as MEC 860, so given that, maybe MEC 850 is A572 grade 50?? Which would indicate a 50ksi steel rather than the 60ksi steel or a slightly lesser strength grade of steel.
Purely guessing here,
John Wright
Parent - By jerrykroll (**) Date 04-26-2005 15:24
I would have a PMI done to ascertain exact chemistry. They are more accurate than a CMTR, and only cost about $60 for 6 or more elements.

(PMI=positive metal identification)
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MEC-850 steel

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