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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding poem do you all like it
- - By Sam66749 Date 05-03-2005 11:29
ok i wrote this becouse i want to be a weilder and its being published and i wanted to know if you all like it.

[My Reasons To Be To A Welder]

I wish to be one of the masters of metal,
fire and electricity.

They are masters of pipe, angle iron and

They weild the Powers of electricity and

They Have the ability to bond the sheets of
steel and iron.

To build ships, towers, cars, planes and the
occasional train.

I wish to have been one of the men to make
the Great Alaskan Pipe Way.

To have been a worker of the Chrysler
Building and the great ships of World War II.

I would have loved to have helped build the
the great rail ways.

The creators of the Golden Gate Bridge of
the west and the Sub Ways of the east.

So yes i would like to be one of these
men that master fire, iron and steel.

Samuel Ray Van Norman

Copyright ©2005 Samuel Ray Van Norman

ok and by the way i would like some input but i wasn't sure where to post it
Parent - By knightour (*) Date 05-07-2005 10:49
if you like it,that is what matters.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding poem do you all like it

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