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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding 410SS to 516-70 by FCAW
- - By hggbecker Date 05-05-2005 17:25
What is the weld material to use for FCAW 410 SS to SA-516-70. The thickness limit is 1.5" MAX, there is a minimum pre-heat of 400F, and maximum pre-heat of 500F. PWHT will be performed for stress relief, and peening is performed per pass. There is a TIG root pass as well. My predecessor has the AWS classification as ENiCrFe-2, while a welding supply shop recently recommended using ERNiCr-3(82). This is for a job that is both ASME "U" stamp, and CE marked.

Thank you for any help.
Parent - - By GRoberts (***) Date 05-05-2005 22:44
The two FCAW filler metals that would be avialable for this welding operation are E410TX-X and E410NiMoTX-X. The 410 should be tempered at the same temperature as the 410 base metal, but if the 410NiMo filler metal gets tempered above 1150F, then it needs to be re-tempered at 1100-1150F (approx) in order to eliminate any untempered martensite that formed during the first temper. If you can temper the whole assembly below 1150F, it could be done in one cycle. The main difference in usability, is that the 410NiMo is tougher, and less crack prone than the straight 410. ER410 and ER410NiMo are also avialable in solid wire for GTAW root passes.

There is nothing wrong with the filler metals being currently used though for this application. (Except for lower productivity of course.) However, there are even some nicke based FCAW wires being manufactured now if you have to stick with nickel based filler metal. The NiCr-3 is a common substitution for NiCrFe-2 when switching to GTAW or GMAW from SMAW, so that is not a problem either.
Parent - - By hggbecker Date 05-06-2005 16:35
Thank you for your help GRoberts. Had I known before, we would have used the 410NiMo and may have been able to avoid peening every pass.

Parent - - By Bill Mc (**) Date 05-09-2005 12:30
If you find a supplier or manufacturer of 410NiMo flux cored wire please post it, since I was recently looking for the same and couldn't find it.

Is this a new fabrication or a repair....Is your "Authorized Inspector" advising / approving any filler mat'l?
Parent - - By GRoberts (***) Date 05-09-2005 21:11
We get or have gotten E410NiMoT1-1 from McKay, Stoody, and Devasco (in Houston).
Parent - By Bill Mc (**) Date 05-10-2005 12:09
Thanks much...our local supplier fell down on that one!
Parent - - By - Date 05-10-2005 13:20
CorMet makes an excellent 410NiM0 FCW. I'm not sure where they are located, though.

Parent - - By Bill Mc (**) Date 05-10-2005 14:44
I should have been more specific,
we had found it in 1/16" dia. but needed .045" , and could not find it in stock at the time...we ended up stick welding the job.

Thanks all for the leads!
Parent - - By GRoberts (***) Date 05-10-2005 14:57
I think .045" might be harder to find. I've never used anything smaller than 1/16". The typical use for this product is CA6NM casting fabrication or repair, which is typically heavy duty welding with larger diameter wire.
Parent - By Bill Mc (**) Date 05-10-2005 17:18
I think you are right...we had some "out of position" crack repairs in an awkward confined area. The E410NiMo-16 was slow, but did the job.

thanks again-
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding 410SS to 516-70 by FCAW

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