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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / U Stamp
- - By AOK (*) Date 05-17-2005 11:01
A friend of mine just opened his own business, he is going to be making these cannon type products for deep sea fishing and fishing from shore.
What the product consists of is this: The person mounts their rod on a mount above PVC pipe that is connected to S.S. pipe, the pipe is rated up to 140lbs of pressure, the bait is shot out of the PVC about 300feet.
Totally awesome product if you ask me.

He has asked me to take charge of the inspection and quality issues for him.Does he need to obtain a U stamp? Would this be considered a pressure vessel under ASME? The pipe is 316L and the mounts welded to it are 304L.Everything is getting finalized to start production of these things.Just want to make sure we have everything right.
Parent - - By RBeldyk (**) Date 05-17-2005 12:25
This type of device would expose you and your partner to a vast amount of liability, be sure to research the product liability and tort laws. Hire a knowledgeable attorney now. You need to develop a strong warning and instructions that can hold up in court.

Hire a Professional Engineer to design the device, including sealing all the drawings and calculations.

Parent - - By AOK (*) Date 05-17-2005 13:36
The owners of this product have are in process of speaking with a lawyer.

They have asked my friend to produce this, order all the materials and so forth.

He has asked me to take part in the QC end of things. Nothing has begun yet. I still have alot of research to do.However, I will pass this valuable information on to him.

Thank you for your input,
much appreciated.
Parent - - By Bill Mc (**) Date 05-17-2005 20:14
Sounds better than my potato gun.

I'm curious, what is the firing device... is it pnuematic, a fuel, a pyrotechnic?
Parent - - By AOK (*) Date 05-18-2005 10:54
Pnuematic, its pretty impressive, from what I understand they have taken this thing to many shows and people are on a waiting list to buy them.
Parent - By supermechanic (**) Date 05-19-2005 02:52
A buddy of mine built some thing similar, called it his "bait cannon".
It got us kicked of the surf at Island Beach Park, Nj.
Seems the Park Rangers said there was something illegal about using it.
It was made from 1" 304ss tube, and fired lures or cut bait with compressed air.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / U Stamp

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