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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / State laws???
- - By texf4i Date 05-19-2005 00:31
So I moved to VA from TX adn of course brought my tanks along with me.

Well in TX it only cost me $40 to fill my 330cu ft acetylene and 144 cu ft O2. Up here it cost $187!!!!

They told me it was b/c those tanks are too big for personal use! So now I am scared when my 75/25 tank goes empty b/c it is 110cu ft.

Anyone heard of different laws like this? ANy way around it, or at least get cheaper fills?
Parent - - By mometal77 (*) Date 05-26-2005 06:27
I have never heard of such a thing any jails around where u are at. Just remembering the little comics of people strapping them selves to a canister. And taking off with the crack of a nozzle. I would check around even if u have to drive to a town nearby. I have never had a problem here in washington with filling my big boys up. Also maybe if you set up an account at a place?
Parent - By texf4i Date 05-26-2005 11:01
washington state or DC?
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 05-26-2005 17:04
I think you got taken for a ride. Get on the phone and call around to some other gas suppliers. I've never seen different rates for individuals vs. a company. I bet someone will give you a better price.
Parent - - By texf4i Date 05-27-2005 00:42
No i have called multiple places and they all say that my tanks are larger than allowed for personal use. Most wont even touch them, much less fill them.
Parent - By labtechy (*) Date 05-27-2005 12:16
After 9/11 I was told that my large tanks couldn't be owned. I could have to smaller tanks of acetylene. Well the cost in the long run is crazy. Apparently the terrorist only want the large tanks to make bombs not two small ones. I see it as another way of extracting a few more dollars out of the consumer.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / State laws???

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