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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / HELP ME CHOOSE A WELDER FOR MY BROTHER
- - By pegasusflyer Date 05-15-2005 04:10
Hi All,

I am trying to buy a welder for my older brother. I want it to be a surprise so I cannot ask him what he wants, for he is a recovering alcoholic ( 4 years soper) and I want to make one of his dreams come true - he has always wanted to own a welder. In talking with him over the past year or so he states that he would like a welder do auto work (muffler, frame, etc.) , and other metal repairs.

He would never be able to afford a welder on his own, and I am excited about getting him one, I know that he wants to use gas. He has also stated that "stick" welders are not that good. I may be mistaken on that exact comment.

I would like to get him something that he does not have to worry about, something that will work every time and something that he can get parts for easily. I looked at a Chicago Welder on Ebay, but after searching reviews, those are not very good.

Is there something I can get for $250-$500 or am I dreaming? He lives in a very small town in North Dakota and the nearest town that has a welding store is about 45 miles away.

Any suggestions are greatly appriciated - thanks!
Parent - - By pjseaman (**) Date 05-16-2005 01:36
You are quit the younger sibling, that is fantastic. I will suggest a Millermatic 135. It will be slightly above the amount specified but it is a fantastic machine, and repairs are rarely needed.

An online source and link if it helps,

Your a good heart, be well!
Parent - By pro-weld Date 05-18-2005 16:22
a miller is definately a good choice, but a 135 might be a bit small, as he might want to weld heavier steel at times. a larger 220 volt model is something you can use on either light or heavy steel.
oh yeah, we are refering to mig welders. wire feed welders. they are the easiest to operate, by far.
Parent - - By labtechy (*) Date 05-18-2005 15:59
As stated, The Miller is a very good machine. You might want to check where your brother will be using the machine. Does he have 110 volts or 220? Does he have enough amperage to run the unit. Economically speaking, the 110 volt machines are a bargain. Get something you can get parts for, Hobart, Lincoln or Miller. Consumables, by this I mean, tips, cups, gas and liners need to be replaced periodically. I own a Lincold(220 volt with gas) and have built, a saw mill, tractor implements, house parts, garden art... the list goes on not to mention repairs for everyone in our town..
I think its great you are doing this for your brother. The satisfaction he'll get can not be measured. Good luck!
Parent - By pegasusflyer Date 05-19-2005 02:11
Hey Thanks all for the help, sorry I did not get back sooner, schools, finals, you know the whole deal...well I have a good just have to go and find something!

Thanks again for all your help.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / HELP ME CHOOSE A WELDER FOR MY BROTHER

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