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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Spatter Shield???
- - By thcqci (***) Date 07-05-2005 12:26
I know if a welder gets all his setting just right that spatter in FCAW on structural steels is reduced to near zero. But with constantly changing thicknesses and positions, welders tend to set a compromise setting to cover all. Thus spatter is worse than it could be. Our welders have come to depend upon spatter spray, whether it is benificial or not so we tend to use a lot of it. Old time welders did not know what spatter spray was.

I had in my e-mailbox this morning an offer for a free trial of Spatter Shield. Anyone out there have any experience with it? Try it? Stay away from it? What does this do for WPS specified gas for shielding? Advise please.
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 07-05-2005 16:15

We looked at switching a while back, and we're still considering doing so. The first question I asked was would it have any effect on our WPS. I was told that it would not.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 07-05-2005 16:18
I was wondering the same thing. Because the Spatter Shield is delivered throught the gas shielding system, it would seem that it would alter the chemical content of the shielding. I suspect that some testing will be necessary. I have not seen any of Spatter Shield's documentation yet but it should be interesting.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Spatter Shield???

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