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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / What is the meaning of ER70S-6?
- - By michael_sun Date 07-13-2005 08:21
Hi, guys, I am from China. Now I worked in a european company. so I have to face many new standards. like DIN, AWS. Who shall help me to explain what is the meaning of ER70S-6. I am not sure if this wire have the requirement of impact test under minus 40 centigrade.

I will be very happy to see your post. If possible, I would like to know more about AWS standard about filler metal definition.

Thanks a lot!

Best wishs!

Michael Sun
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 07-13-2005 10:36
ER70S6 wire conforms to the AWS A5.18 specification. The designations are as follows: ER indicates filler metal may be used as either an electrode or rod. 70 indicates in 1000 psi increments the minimum tensile strength of the weld metal produced by the electrode when tested according to the specification. In this case, 70 indicates 70,000 psi. S indicates that the filler metal wire is solid. 6 indicates the chemical composition of the solid filler metal wire. This wire has a Charpy V Notch impact property of -29 C.
Parent - By michael_sun Date 07-14-2005 03:12
Thanks for your kindly response. I understand it now. But one more question is if ER70S-6 is different from EN 440 G46 4MG4Si1?

I guess G46 4MG4Si1 have high requirements than ER70S-6, especially in Imapct property. i.e. -40 C, 47J.

Thanks again!
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / What is the meaning of ER70S-6?

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