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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding helmet question?
- - By jay72chevy (*) Date 07-22-2005 20:55
Hi i have the computer board type auto dark helmet made by jackson. Its not the one where you can grind with it on its the older one where you just use it for welding only. I just got a job welding poles. I have been told someone at the job used an auto darken helmet and it exploded cause of the heat welding a c . They said it was the heat and the cell absorbed the heat. I have welded with my helmet and never had a problem with it blowing up on me? Since my helmet is not a solar cell type will my helmet blow up? thanks
Parent - By mksqc (**) Date 07-22-2005 22:57
Parent - - By pjseaman (**) Date 07-22-2005 23:10
Don't count on it "blowing up", this is a rumor. I have used a speedglas for over 3 years and never heard of any other issues of the like.

Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 07-23-2005 18:48
I don't think an explosion is in your near futuer. I also have a few Jackson auto dark hoods. The only problem that I have encountered realted to heat is the loss of the lense ability to tint. I welded for around 4 hours straight on an alu. injection mold shoe. The shoe was 6"x10"x24" in rought terms. I was filling 1 1/2" holes and other major wear areas. The block was held at '275F and welding was done with a 3/16 tungsten at 300-350 amp. After about 2 hours of welding the left side of the lense stopped changing shades, it just stayed dark. I took a temp gun reading of the outside cover lense and it was over '200F. I changed back to a standard class lense and completed the job.
Long story short...the lense took a beating, nut never exploded.

Parent - By MAC702 (*) Date 07-31-2005 18:34
I STILL use my Jackson EQC Executive everyday for the past 4 years. That sould be the same generation as the one you are describing. The only thing I've had to do is change the batteries every once in a while and a new clear plastic cover plate every few weeks.

First I've heard of this "rumor."
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding helmet question?

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