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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding stainless to mild steel
- - By toby6060 Date 07-27-2005 01:31
which wire would i use to weld stainless exhaust pipe to mild steel headers, can that be done,
Parent - - By - Date 07-27-2005 01:33
309H would be a good choice.

Parent - - By toby6060 Date 07-27-2005 02:24
i've been welding for years, on mild steel, so the stainless will weld good and strong to mild steel , are there any drawbacks i should know about, fatigue with the different metals or anything,
Parent - - By - Date 07-27-2005 02:35
I recommended the 309H because it is rather economical, has sufficient strength at elevated tempertaures, has sufficient ferrite to provide resistance to hot cracking, and is quite easy to weld when joining it to carbon steel. If you are not familiar with welding stainless steel, then stick electrode might give you a little problem due to the fluidity of the stainless steel rod. If you are familiar with TIG welding, that will make it quite easy for you. You should have no problems. You will need to set the heat to whatever weld process you choose to use and what thickness the headers and pipes are. Give it a shot, you can do it...

Parent - By toby6060 Date 07-29-2005 13:51
thanks, i checked into the 309 wire and it looks like the wire i should use
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding stainless to mild steel

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