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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Nitrogen Purging
- - By Hojo (*) Date 07-28-2005 15:50
Does anyone have a brief procedure on nitrogen purging?
Parent - - By - Date 07-28-2005 20:41
Stainless or carbon steel, and what grade?
Parent - - By Hojo (*) Date 07-29-2005 10:31
Just for the Austenitic (300 Series) grades of Stainless Steel
Parent - By - Date 07-31-2005 00:35
You should have no problems purging with Nitrogen. If you are doing an open-butt weld, the nitrogen will slightly deplete some of the austenite in the weld pool, but probably not enough to hurt you. In the TIG process, nitrogen can cause breakdown of your tungsten if not careful.

Parent - - By Orbimatic (*) Date 07-31-2005 09:59
You do also need to be careful when striking, if you have an open root you may find that the nitrogen will seep through and inhibit arc start. so a good way is to start on a prolonged tack
Parent - By - Date 07-31-2005 12:52
Nitrogen will affect tacks just as it would any other part of the weld. In the TIG process, the argon purge will negate the arc characteristics upon start where that should not be a problem. The main problem with a nitrogen purge is the breaking off of the tungsten, thus causing the real possibility of tungsten inclusions. That, and the depletion of some of the austenite in the weld pool.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Nitrogen Purging

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