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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Thanks for the professionalism.
- - By drake (*) Date 08-03-2005 07:57
To All,

As you all know I am about to be starting classes here in the next two weeks at Greenville Tech here in SC to get my welding certificate and you all have been a great help. Reading the past 3 years of posts has given me a heads up on terms and a ton more and having never struck an arc in my life its nice to know a few things and not go in blind.

Also I want to thank you all for the professionalism you each display and the pride you show in the trade. A special thanks to Gerald Austin, SSBN, RonG, JWright, Jon, DGXL, Professor Crisi and countless others.

After looking through some other forums I have realized you all are the most professional group of men and women I've had the pleasure of knowing by proxy and hopefully to get to know you all better as time goes on as Im now a daily reader here at work.

Once again thank you all for showing such great pride in your trade and showing everyone what the image of welding should be.

Glad to be here
~Jeff Rice
aka Drake
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-03-2005 09:52
And hat's off to you too, Jeff! My guess is you will do very well in your studies and find this career choice as fascinating as all of us do, and you'll likely end up here one day giving back to others as we all try to do. Best of luck and come back in whenever you need a helping hand or just want to say hello!
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 08-03-2005 16:08
Made my day! Nice to know you were able to help someone. Jeff congratulation & good luck.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-04-2005 19:56
Wow, Thanks Jeff! I wish you well in your schooling! I agree with you in regards to the forum, great bunch of folks to glean from.
John Wright
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-06-2005 00:56
Hi Drake!

Congrats to you and anyone else that wants to further their education. I personally will always continue my education...

I flattered by you mentioning my call sign but, there are other's that were'nt mentioned deserving of equal praise... Oh well, you cannot remember everyone!

We'll all still be here once you're fully immersed @ Greenvile Tech so, Keep asking us for advice or let us know how you're making out.
In other words, do'nt be a stranger from the forum once you start school.

BTW, DGXL is the call sign - not DGXB! I would correct that if I were you! Chuckle!!!;)

May the FORCE be with YOU!!!

Run Silent... Run Deep!!!
Parent - By drake (*) Date 08-06-2005 05:47

Aye i noticed that a day or two ago and ment to edit that, my appoligies.. Thanks to all of you for the helping hands/brains

aka Drake
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 08-07-2005 13:05
Thanks for the comments Drake. I think one of the things that contributes a great deal to the professionalism here is a love for this trade whether it be as an engineer, welder, inspector, or general metal worker.

One of the things that has made my welding related work over the years successful is NOT how much money I made, but how much I was able to enjoy my job and use the skills and knowldege. You cannot put a price on job satisfaction.

The opportunities you have upcoming with school can either be the ones given to you or the ones that you make available by what you learn. Don't let your learning stop at school. If you get the "itch" to learn a little more while at home (DO IT!) . Youd be suprised at what that type of study does for retention.

I hope all ghoes well for you.

Gerald Austin
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-08-2005 09:36
And speaking of a love for the trade, skills and knowledge, be sure to check out Gerald's website, he has some really useful information posted in it!
Parent - By drake (*) Date 08-08-2005 09:50
Thanks Jon,

Ive read Geralds site over quite a few times and keep doing so, always find a few new things that I didnt the first or 8th time.

Gerald, thanks for offering a great resource it has been very useful to me for getting a clear idea of many of the concepts talked about here.

Keep safe and sane...well maybe not sane.

aka Drake
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Thanks for the professionalism.

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