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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Question on a welder
- - By drake (*) Date 08-15-2005 18:49
Hey yall,

I was looking around for an inexpensive welder to get some practice on at home when im not in class and i found this little Chigago Electric 120 for 109 dollars

The only thing that worries me is the fact it only has a 6% to 15% duty cycle and granted the ad says it will do 1/4 inch mild plate I was wondering if any of you had any feedback on this particular one as I dont really need something huge just to practice between classes but also dont want to sell myself short. I can only do a single phase plug since I just have the regular 3 prongs here at the house and cant afford a 1000 dollar eletric bill for 3 phase

Any feedback would be appreciated

aka Drake
Parent - - By supermechanic (**) Date 08-16-2005 02:57
pass on that one. you'll hate when you smoke it.
lincoln tombstone same price used on ebay, much more for the money.
many other entry level machines available for a little more dough.
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 08-16-2005 05:32
Drake- In case you are not aware that's an ac-225 machine. It gets the tombstone monicker from its shape. Practically every farm in the US has one someplace. Often available in auctions and on ebay. Highly recommended. If you can find the ac/dc version even better. You will need a 220 volt feed. That isn't three phase, just what you would run a dryer or an electric stove on.
Parent - By techwelder Date 08-16-2005 16:18
When it comes to welding equipment; always head for the name brand section. Lincoln does carry an AC/DC version in the tombstone. The Miller Thunderbolt series is also good. Remember this, when purchasing an item for temporary use like this one (you will definitely want to upgrade as your skills improve) look at the resale value of the machine and ask yourself this question. Would you buy it if you were a journeyman welder? Good Luck.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Question on a welder

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