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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need a better ground clamp
- - By Dave C (*) Date 08-22-2005 13:52
It seems I find myself welding parts that are difficult to get a good "bite" on with the ground clamp on my MIG. Weld performance varies significantly. The clamp that came with it has little surface area and just digs in with points.

Sometimes I wish I had a simple copper ring terminal on the ground wire, that I could put under a bolt.

So... is there a connector scheme that would allow different ground clamps to be interchanged? And who makes the most versitile and robust clamp for a 150 amp welder?
Parent - - By supermechanic (**) Date 08-22-2005 14:40
Vise Grips usually work well.
Parent - By pjseaman (**) Date 08-22-2005 23:13
10-4 on vice grips, I often use a vicegrip then attach my brass 300 amp clamp to the vgrip, works very well.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 08-22-2005 14:47
Yes there is! I suggest you look at the Tweco line of ground clamps and cable connectors for starters. (I am sure there are other brands available but Tweco is what I am most familiar with.)

The line connectors are a 'twist-n-lock' type that will connect cable to cable or cable to ground clamp, and they will easily handle 150 amps.

You can find info at or on a search engine.

Another type of ground clamp we use for high current work is manufactured like a screw clamp made of bronze. I am not sure who makes those but a web search should provide the answers.

Chet Guilford

Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 08-23-2005 07:45
Tweco and others make ring terminals you can use. In these sizes for some reason they are known as lugs. You can get a get an acceptable one in the electrical department of home depot etc. If you can stand the scar you can bolt a little piece of steel to the lug and then tack weld that to the work.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need a better ground clamp

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