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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Repairing Bevel
- - By jchavez Date 08-30-2005 23:17
Does any body knows if it is possible repair a pipe bevel by welding filling-grinding once it has deep notches produced by thermal cutting, prior tu weld the joint? Is there a standar supporting this condition?
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 08-30-2005 23:39
There is no problem with repairing badly cut bevel ends.Just make sure you have removed all cutting "scale" by digging in with your grinder and then slowly building it up prior to grinding. Best results are obtained by GTAW but you can also spot weld with a hot GMAW.If spot welding with SMAW you will probably find a 6010 easier to use than a 7018.Just remember if you don't repair properly (100% fusion) you may have defects that could be picked up later by NDT. Hope this helps,
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 09-01-2005 19:05
with all due respect, I'll make an addition to your posting.
E6010 and 7018 are good for carbon steel pipes. For alloy steel you should use an electrode compatible with its chemical composition.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 09-01-2005 19:34
Hi Shane! G'day! It's only 5 weeks now til me and my wife head over to Perth, maybe we'll catch up while over there! Drop me a line if you get a chance!
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 09-01-2005 21:02
I'm curious. You people speak the King's English in Australia. Are you able to understand the slang Jon has put down?

P.S. This is supposed to be a joke. We Brazilians are like that, always finding a reason to make a joke out of everything. Please, gentlemen, don't get mad at the world with me like another gentleman did because of a phrase I've written in another posting.
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 09-06-2005 06:09
Will be stuck over on the east coast while you are in Perth but will e-mail you my phone number so I can help you out if you get lost. Hope you have a great time while you are over here.
The Australians have a very unique language which is a combination of English "cockney" and homegrown additions.
A couple of examples:
Shithouse - toilet
Built like a brick shithouse - strong, muscular
May your chooks (chickens) turn into emus (large native bird) and kick your shithouse door down - implying you are not happy with someone
Happy as a pig in shit - very happy
I could go on for hours but this is supposed to be a welding forum (sorry guys)
For a good laugh go to google and type in "aussie slang"
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 09-06-2005 16:14
I don't see any unique slang in your post excepting "chooks and emus". The others are common, everyday descriptive adjectives and phrases used by almost everyone in construction. I'm sure the only difference would be the accent the slang is said with.
I guess I WILL try google so I can see something original. :)

Chet Guilford
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 09-06-2005 18:39
LMFAO, Shane, my wife being a kiwi who spent 4 years living in Oz, I've heard some slang that would make most Americans fall over laughing but I'm getting used to it! ;-)

Another funny thing about Australians is they tend to shorten everyone's names... not to mention all the ladies are "sheila's" lol... fair dincum!

We'll be passing through Sydney, spending the night on the 29th October perhaps we'll give ya a shout on our way back home.

I appreciate you sending me your phone number but chances of us getting lost while in Perth are nil... we'll have rellies watching over us most of the time and when we venture out on our own we'll be riding the rail or buses!
Parent - - By jchavez Date 09-09-2005 16:58
Hope you can discover the mistery of the kangaroo's jump & languaje, living both two in perfect love.
Thankyou for you technical advises.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 09-09-2005 17:11
por nada, cabrone.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Repairing Bevel

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