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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Found old GE Welder, can't find any info
- - By mfischer707 Date 10-05-2005 05:50
While cleaning out the shop at the ranch I work on, I came across an old welder tucked away in the corner. Perhaps no so much tucked away as serving as the base for everything else piled up in the corner.

I jotted down a couple numbers off of it to look up when I got home. I googled them, but nothing came up. I searched GE's current sites, again nothing. In fact, I can't find any info on ANY General Electric welders, nor any indication that they ever existed.

I was wondering if somebody might be able to point me in a direction where I could find some info on this unit. I'm not a welder myself, but I've got a buddy who's quite proficcient and interested in the unit if we can find a manual or something so we don't melt ourselves. My boss informed me that it worked when it was moved to storage after he nearly killed himself with it about 6 years ago, and that it's free for the taking as long as it's gone by friday.

Unit Info:

Model Number: GE 6WK15D 4
Instruction Manual Number: GEI 18377

The unit is on a three wheel base, which for all I know it built. Dimensions w/o base are about 1.5'w x 2.5'd x 3.5'h with the front rounded in a semi-circle. There's a amp gauge runing down the front that runs from 60 to 375, with "General Electric", the "GE" logo, and about 7 different model/serial numbers all over it. I'll post some pictures tomorrow if it'll help somebody identify it.

Any help would be appreciated.
Parent - - By labtechy (*) Date 10-05-2005 14:59
Just curious... How did he almost kill himself? Was it a shock? or is it that heavy?
Parent - - By mfischer707 Date 10-05-2005 15:39
Our old workshop was next to the pool. My boss was skimming the pool, and if ya'll know skimmers, you know they're long, metal rods. Anyways, the pool happened to be overflowing at the time, and as he was swinging the skimmer around he managed to knock one end against this machine and sent a serious shock through his hands and out his feet into the standing water. Lucky for him he was crouching and the shock straightened his legs, making him jump out of the puddle as well as pull the ends away from the welder and the pool, saving himself and probobly everyone in the pool.

Strangely enough, this was one of his milder near-death experiences on the ranch. I've personally witnessed three that I'd consider worse, as well as watched my brother weld his hands together.

So it was a shock, but I'd guess it weighs more than 500lbs, as three strong guys couldn't lift it. Hell, it took two of us to just TIP the damn thing. I'm trying to figure how I'd get it out of there if it's worth anything. It could easily crush a man to death.
Parent - By SA-200 (**) Date 10-11-2005 02:59
your boss reminds me af a guy i know thats been struck by lightning 3 times....hehehehe
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Found old GE Welder, can't find any info

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