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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / PWHT on Clad Pipes
- - By adel alizadeh Date 10-04-2005 13:31
We have 20" CS API 5L Gr. X65 with 30 mm thickness which is claded by 3mm Alloy 625. as per ANSI B31.3 CS pipes with more than 19.05 mm thickness need PWHT. I want to know if this claded pipes requiere PWHT and IF yes, where can I find proper PWHT procedure for this cases.

Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 10-04-2005 14:06
Sounds like you've answered the first part of your question all by yourself. The answer to the second part is consult your welding engineer.
Parent - - By adel alizadeh Date 10-05-2005 13:08
first thanks for your reply and more, Our consumable for welding of mentioned clad pipes is incoloy electrod ERNiCrMo3. shall we carry PWHT out on this pipes also with this consumable. more over If we want to use CS electrode after welding of root and hot by inconel filler metal what will be the right procedure?

Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 10-05-2005 13:28
If the finished part is subjected to PWHT, all other parts are too, as well as the clad portions. I strongly suggest you qualify your WPS accordingly.
Parent - By jchavez Date 10-05-2005 22:17
It sounds like obvious, but analizing the 331.1.1 B31.3 Table you cand find the balance between your base and clad metals. I`m agree with the WPS calification.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / PWHT on Clad Pipes

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