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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Weld Stress
- - By khodabandeh (**) Date 10-08-2005 03:21
With all due to respect,in the Jetty Top Side Project.The piping on the pipe rack which are welded,are not aligned in this regard ,according to paragraph 335.1.1 of ASME B31.3 standard any distortion is prohibited.
Nearly the 60 No. butt weld joints welded have this problem ,we ordered contractor cut out these joints but contractor want to pull the piping lines with chain block which will cause stress in welds,this procedure is not allowed. If you have any other opinion please let us to now.
Parent - - By - Date 10-08-2005 13:16
Sir, with all due respect to you, too, you're hopeless.

"paragraph 335.1.1 of ASME B31.3 standard any distortion is PROHIBITED."

"We ORDERED the contractor to cut out these joints..."

"...this procedure is NOT ALLOWED."

And, you are asking for an opinion?? We've been discussing your inablity to control your contractor for the past 2 weeks...Give us all a break. Either stand up or shut up. (not a whole lot of disrespect intended). It is apparent you have taken none of our advice about controlling the contractor, so I, personally, will be responding to no more of your postings. I do not speak for the rest of the experts in this Forum, only myself.
Parent - - By khodabandeh (**) Date 10-08-2005 13:39
With all due respect.I want to show the agreement of this Forum about the problems addition to standadrd in the meeting to prevent of the non standard work,but some people reply me disrespect.and break my heart.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-08-2005 15:52


Here is the thing you are not understanding that these folks are trying to explain;

Showing your Superiors the opinions of these folks won't mean anything. Yes they are very respected, some of them worldwide. However each one of these men have referred right back to the code which is being ignored. They each in turn say "obey the code."

If Your superiors won't obey the code than what will any expert be able to do for you?

Every man who has spoken here has already served you well. But they can say nothing more than "you must obey the code"

Ignoring the code is bad and we all know that and so do you.

Your heart hurts because bad things are happening and you are unable to stop it. Not because of any criticisim from the experts.
Parent - - By khodabandeh (**) Date 10-09-2005 04:12
Dear Lawrence,
With all due respect, thanks alot for your kind reply.
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 10-09-2005 21:48
Hi guys,
Have been following the postings and replies to Khodabandehs questions with interest and I am starting to feel quite sorry for him.
It seems to me that he is crying out for help. The project he is involved in is very quickly turning to sh** and he is powerless to do anything about it.
A couple of years ago I was the clients representative on an $80 million dollar project that quickly turned in to a battlefield over welding related matters. I had the contractor tell me I could place the contract where the sun doesn't shine, and when I informed my superintendant he asked me if I hadn't misunderstood the statement!!
We went to the AWS for adjudication and I placed several postings on this forum detailing my troubles.
By sharing my problems with fellow inspectors/ engineers etc on this forum (and learning from the responses)I felt I had done everything humanly possible to ensure the client was getting a quality product.
I ended up quitting my job in disgust halfway through the project, unhappy at the lack of support I was getting.
They are now building a second machine for the same mine and I am quite proud of the fact that they have installed 90% of my recommendations in the new contract.
All we can really do is hope and pray that Khodabandehs project does not turn into an environmental disaster some time in the future,
Parent - By khodabandeh (**) Date 10-10-2005 04:53
Dear Shane Feder
With all due respect,thanks alot about understanding my condition.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Weld Stress

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